Menjalani kehidupan seharian pasti,banyak cerita suka, duka,lucu,sedih yang perlu diharungi...semoga segala cabaran ini dapat di tempuh dengan hati yang tenang dan hidup yang di lalui ini mendapat keredhaan dan keberkatan dari Allah s.w.t... Ameen

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Be in the middle doesn't always look good...

moneyspender or moneymaker?
neither i ... nor a moneysaver

daydreamer or dreamcatcher?
neither i ...thus, i'm a loser

My thought inspiration's for today

Be in the middle doesn't always look good.....
...thus, be the 1st to be good!

Be the first in the first, be the first in the middle, be the first till the last!

Think twice before you act or speak. Always live to the fullest life. Work smart and hard. Give more to everyone. Love is all about giving and sacrificing. Confident to overcome temptations and hardships. Be brave and wonderful. Be happy and always be awesome. Don't forget to thank God!

I hope your love is always happy...


picture credit to: 


nunyati said...

erk... gambar tu.... ^0^

blues said...


Unknown said...

salam singgah..

kakyong nampak link blog kakyong ada di blog ni.. terima kasih

btw, kakyong lebih berbesar hati jika sudi tukor link ke
