Menjalani kehidupan seharian pasti,banyak cerita suka, duka,lucu,sedih yang perlu diharungi...semoga segala cabaran ini dapat di tempuh dengan hati yang tenang dan hidup yang di lalui ini mendapat keredhaan dan keberkatan dari Allah s.w.t... Ameen

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ini baru sikit

8.50 (at my cubicle)

Hanny:Eh Eydana, new baju kurung eh? Your mom made it?

Eydana:No dear, i bought it.

Hanny: this modern baju kurung? Bangun la kejap nak tengok sikit...(sambil belek2 belek2 belek2)

Eydana: dah...puas hati ke Hanny?

Hanny: Hanny suka la warna dia...combination of purple and black, nice!

9.10 (in the ladies)

Azura: Eydana, are you on diet?

Eydana: Why you said so? I am not Azura.

Azura: Huhuhuhu...i am soooooo jealous, everyone is on diet...isyyyy

Eydana: Ohhhh Azura, common. I am not. Don't be jealous with me.

9.20 (from ladies and in my way to my cubicle)

Izzah: Hai Eyda! hey new clothes, you look nice!

Eydana: Owh, thanks dear.

Berkesan sungguh formula "the new me" saya, sekarang baru pukul 9.30 pagi...
Apa yang sikit?...hahaha...saya baru guna sikit je formula yang saya cipta.
ini pun dah nampak perubahan yang ketara...
I am in the good mood today. Yeay!

Monday, June 28, 2010

che_rita cinta saya

emosi saya terganggu. saya tak boleh cerita. saya tak sanggup nak cerita. cerita duka saya. saya teringin nak cerita. tapi. saya taip. saya padam. saya taip. saya padam.
dada saya sakit. belakang saya juga. kepala juga. maka saya sedih. kerana. cerita cinta saya cerita sedih. cerita cinta saya cerita duka. sekian. cerita cinta duka saya.

Now the summer's gone,
And the winter's coming on,
And I wait for you,
But I know that you have gone away from me,
And I know, yes I know
It's gonna be a lonely winter.

Just to walk alone,
And leave all the love we've known.
Autumn leaves will fall.
Wish winter would only call you back to me.
And I know, yes I know
It's gonna be a lonely winter.

It, I know, could be a very long time.
I can't make your love mine,
Mine and mine alone.
But I know that I can't make you love me,
I can't make you want me,
Till the winter's gone.

Leaves begin to fall,
And the trees begin to bare.
Then I wait for you,
But I know that you're not here.
You've gone away.
And I know, yes I know
It's gonna be a lonely winter.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the new me

I don’t even know on how to begin this entry..haha..should I start with the word …welcome eydana to the new world! to the really new world to eydana since “she” was very-the-long-long-lost in her own world before. Or should I embark on with …common, no matter what happen before, it was already done! So, pleasure yourself with the very-very interesting future, with the new visions, new hopes, new strength and the new eydana!...huhuhu sound interesting hah?...of course…life goes on beb! Image taken from