8.50 (at my cubicle)
Hanny:Eh Eydana, new baju kurung eh? Your mom made it?
Eydana:No dear, i bought it.
Hanny: Owh...is this modern baju kurung? Bangun la kejap nak tengok sikit...(sambil belek2 belek2 belek2)
Eydana: dah...puas hati ke Hanny?
Hanny: Hanny suka la warna dia...combination of purple and black, nice!
9.10 (in the ladies)
Azura: Eydana, are you on diet?
Eydana: Why you said so? I am not Azura.
Azura: Huhuhuhu...i am soooooo jealous, everyone is on diet...isyyyy
Eydana: Ohhhh Azura, common. I am not. Don't be jealous with me.
9.20 (from ladies and in my way to my cubicle)
Izzah: Hai Eyda! hey new clothes, you look nice!
Eydana: Owh, thanks dear.
Berkesan sungguh formula "the new me" saya, sekarang baru pukul 9.30 pagi...
Apa yang sikit?...hahaha...saya baru guna sikit je formula yang saya cipta.
ini pun dah nampak perubahan yang ketara...
I am in the good mood today. Yeay!
Image taken from http://www.catsinclothes.com/